Wednesday 24 October 2018

Cadwraeth yng Nghymru Rhagfyr 2018: Mwy na gwrthrych – gwarchod ein treftadaeth anniriaethol.

Galwad am bapurau a nodyn i’r dyddiadur:
Dydd Mercher, 19 Rhagfyr 2018.
Cwrt Insole, Caerdydd

Cynhadledd undydd gan Amgueddfa Cymru, Ffederasiwn Amgueddfeydd ac Orielau Celf Cymru a Phrifysgol Caerdydd, a cefnogi gan yr National Conservation Service.

Archebion ar agor 

Cynhadledd undydd sy’n edrych ar y berthynas rhwng cadwraeth treftadaeth ddiriaethol a’r gwerthoedd anniriaethol cysylltiedig.

Yn draddodiadol, cysylltwyd cadwraeth â negeseuon fel ‘peidiwch â chyffwrdd’. Awydd i warchod sy’n gyfrifol am hyn, ond gall hefyd godi rhwystrau rhwng cymunedau a’u treftadaeth ddiwylliannol. Mae’r gynhadledd hon yn dathlu gwaith staff gofal casgliadau sy’n chwalu’r rhwystrau hyn ac yn ailgysylltu cymunedau â’u treftadaeth.

Croesewir papurau sy’n arddangos dull cadwraeth sy’n gyfuniad o warchod gwerthoedd diriaethol ac anniriaethol. Gall y rhain gynnwys:
  • ymgynghori cyhoeddus
  • cadw sgiliau
  • cyfranogiad cymunedol
  • cof
  • arferion cynaliadwy effeithiol
  • gwersi a ddysgwyd
  • gwerth ac arwyddocâd gwrthrych.
Gwahoddir cynigion am gyflwyniadau 20 munud, cyflwyniadau 5 munud, yn ogystal â gweithdai neu drafodaethau sy’n archwilio thema’r gynhadledd. Hashnod y gynhadledd fydd #consinwales, ac rydym yn croesawu awgrymiadau am gyflwyniadau y gellir eu rhannu’n rhithiol.
Bydd y gynhadledd yn gorffen gyda thrafodaeth agored. Rydym yn chwilio am gyfranwyr i lansio’r drafodaeth gydag argraffiadau neu astudiaethau achos ar gyfer cyflwyniad 2 funud (dim PowerPoint) sy’n edrych ar y cwestiwn yma:
“Sut mae’r rheiny sy’n gofalu am gasgliadau yn cyfrannu at amcanion ehangach eu sefydliad.”

Bydd cadwraethwyr, curaduron, rheolwyr casgliadau ac eraill yn mynychu’r gynhadledd ryngddisgyblaethol hon. Croesewir cynigion o Gymru a thu hwnt. Ethos y gynhadledd yw bod yn rhwydwaith gynhwysol, sy’n costio ychydig, felly er y gallwn gynnig llefydd am ddim i siaradwyr, yn anffodus nid yw’r gyllideb yn caniatáu i ni dalu costau teithio ac ati.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn siarad, gyrrwch grynodeb fer o’ch cynnig i William Tregaskes erbyn 16 Tachwedd.

Cysylltu ag ymholiadau Christian Baars

By WelshDave [CC BY-SA 4.0  (], from Wikimedia Commons

Thursday 11 October 2018

Conservation Matters in Wales Xmas Conference: More than an object - conserving our intangible heritage.

Call for papers and save the date:

Wednesday, December 19th 2018.
Insole Court, Cardiff

A one day conference organised by Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales, The Federation of Museums and Art Galleries of Wales and Cardiff University, and supported by the National Conservation Service.

Bookings are now open

One day conference that explores the relationship between the conservation of tangible heritage and its associated intangible values.

Conservation has been traditionally associated with the “do not touch” message generated by a desire to protect but this approach can also erect barriers between communities and their cultural heritage. The conference celebrates the work of collections care professionals that breaks down this barrier and reconnects communities with their heritage.
Papers are welcomed that demonstrate a conservation approach informed by a combination of preservation of intangible and tangible heritage values. These may include:

•Public consultation
•Conservation of skills
•Community participation
•Effective sustainable practice
•Lessons learned
•Object’s significance and value

Proposals are invited for 20 minute presentations, 5 minute shorts, workshops or discussions that explore the conference’s broad theme. The conference hashtag will be #consinwales and we also welcome suggestions for presentations that may be shared virtually. 

The conference will conclude with an open floor discussion. Contributors are sought to launch the discussion with thoughts or case studies for a 2 minute presentation (no PowerPoint) that explores the following question: 
“How do those in collections care contribute to the wider mission of an organisation.” 

The cross disciplinary conference will be attended by conservators, curators, collection managers and other professionals engaged in the care of collections. Proposals are welcomed from those inside and outside of Wales. The conference ethos is to be a low cost inclusive network, and whilst we can offer speakers a free place we unfortunately do not have a budget to cover speaker expenses.

If you are interested in speaking please send a brief summary of your proposal to William Tregaskes by the 16th November.

Booking enquires, please contact Christian Baars

Insole Court By WelshDave - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Covid-19: Rhannu Profiadau / Covid-19: Sharing Experiences

Materion Cadwraeth yng Nghymru, haf 2020  Covid-19: Rhannu Profiadau  Dydd Mercher 29ain o Orffennaf 14.00 – 15.30  Cyfarfod Zoom anf...